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Clore Tikva School

A school of excellence inspired by inclusive Jewish values

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Charuv (Carob)

Welcome to Year 6 Kita Charuv


Hello, my name is Mr Katz and I am Kita Charuv's class teacher. I am excited about the forthcoming year and look forward to developing your child, through our  engaging  and creative curriculum.


LSAs: Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Singer


This page will enable you to learn more about Kita Charuv's year ahead and how you can support your child in the final part of their Clore Tikva journey.


To keep updated with what we are doing in Year 6, as well as events across the school,  checkout our google classroom pages where we share lots of information, such as  photos of unique learning experiences,  upcoming school events and links to the children's and homework; which is always an extension of what we are doing in class.


The start and end of the school Day


Please arrive on time in the morning as the children’s learning starts at 8.40am after the register is taken.  This is important as it ensures that the children are able to settle and get ready to learn with no disruptions to their session. School finishes at 3.30pm and you collect your child from outside the classroom.


If you allow your child to walk home alone, the office will need this in writing please.


We are always happy to chat with parents about their children. However, it is best to either book an appointment through the office, or speak to one of us at the end of the school day.


Thank you for your co-operation.



Tuesday and Wednesday.


Please ensure PE kits are in school on these days. During the winter months, children should have dark coloured joggers/leggings and a black hoody please.​
