

Welcome to Clore Tikva School! We are delighted to welcome you to our school! Clore Tikva is a warm, inclusive community where every child is encouraged to thrive and grow. Explore our website to learn more about what makes our school special.r school special.

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  • Reception 87.96
  • Year 1 92.81
  • Year 2 95.05
  • Year 3 92.61
  • Year 4 96.65
  • Year 5 94.48
  • Year 6 94.33



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Clore Tikva School

A school of excellence inspired by inclusive Jewish values

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Ethos and Values

Judaism is at the heart of what we do and no more so than at festivals, where pupils’ experiences, through lessons and activities, create a warmth and atmosphere which is unique to our Jewish school.


Through community links we have been able to share some of these events with local non-Jewish schools, enabling their pupils to learn about our culture.


All pupils at Clore Tikva have weekly Jewish Studies lessons. As a pluralist school, we teach Judaism from an inclusive perspective, while also making the children aware of the ways in which all members of the community practise Judaism. Pupils have the opportunity to learn about a range of Jewish topics. We are also passionate about integrating Jewish Studies to other areas of the curriculum.


Children experience Judaism throughout the year at Clore Tikva with daily worship and other activities that constantly remind them of their heritage.

Provision for pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is outstanding, with pupils greatly benefiting from the many opportunities for reflection… The daily assemblies provide an uplifting experience for the pupils, who join in with enthusiasm in all prayers. Judaism is lived and breathed at Clore Tikva, where the pupils are encouraged to express themselves through questioning, praying and reflecting on the world. (Pikuach 2017)
