The children have Read Write Inc lessons every morning at 9AM. This is the school’s reading program that we follow which supports the children to learn their letter sounds, to read and to write. The children also read to the class teacher or teacher assistant weekly and their book is also changed.
Tricky words are also taught which are taught through sight (red words) Parents are encouraged to support their child to at home to learn these. These words support children’s reading. Each week the children are tested on their words before new words are given.
Together we will work on the children’s understanding of what they have read or been read and answer a range of questions on it through language comprehension. The children will have many opportunities to develop their comprehension through 1:1 reading, class discussions in story time and when exploring books during their play.
The children are encouraged to use the sounds that they hear in words when attempting to spell them. The children will work towards writing words, phrases and sentences independently and are asked to read their work with adults and friends. Some words will be spelt correctly and other words spelt using the sounds. All attempts are praised.