

Welcome to Clore Tikva School! We are delighted to welcome you to our school! Clore Tikva is a warm, inclusive community where every child is encouraged to thrive and grow. Explore our website to learn more about what makes our school special.r school special.

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  • Reception 87.96
  • Year 1 92.81
  • Year 2 95.05
  • Year 3 92.61
  • Year 4 96.65
  • Year 5 94.48
  • Year 6 94.33



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Clore Tikva School

A school of excellence inspired by inclusive Jewish values

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Livneh (Birch)

Welcome to Year 4 Kita Livneh


 A warm welcome to Year 4 and our Kita Livneh class page. This page will hopefully give you lots of information about our class.


The staff for this year are:

Mrs Srivastava- Class Teacher

Miss Sutherland - LSA

Miss Jenny - LSA



Outdoor: Monday (Black jogging bottoms for the winter months)                           Indoor: Tuesday                        



Is set every Friday on Google Classroom and is expected to be handed back in by the following Thursday. Google Classroom has also got a whole folder of resources and games to support children in learning their times tables. The children are set spellings on a Friday which are tested the following Friday. Their scores are noted on Google Classroom.


Reading Record

You must bring your reading record to school every day.
Please make sure you read daily, either on your own or with an adult, and record your progress. Your teacher will check your reading record every Monday.


Why is this important?
Reading every day is one of the best ways to build your imagination, improve your vocabulary, and develop your understanding of the world. It helps you become a confident communicator and opens up new ideas and adventures through stories. Bringing your reading record to school shows your teacher how much progress you’ve made and helps them support you in becoming a better reader. Reading with an adult is especially helpful because they can explain tricky words and talk about the story with you.
