

Welcome to Clore Tikva School! We are delighted to welcome you to our school! Clore Tikva is a warm, inclusive community where every child is encouraged to thrive and grow. Explore our website to learn more about what makes our school special.r school special.

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  • Reception 87.96
  • Year 1 92.81
  • Year 2 95.05
  • Year 3 92.61
  • Year 4 96.65
  • Year 5 94.48
  • Year 6 94.33



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Clore Tikva School

A school of excellence inspired by inclusive Jewish values

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Tamar (Date Palm)

Welcome to Year 1 Kita Tamar


Hello, Parents! My name is Mrs Akther, and I am the class teacher in Kita Tamar. 


Class teacher: Mrs.R.Akther

LSA: Ms.S.Timms

LSA: Ms.L.Davies


Use this page to find more information about Kita Alon and to see what the children will be taught.  Also, to keep you updated with important information.



Outdoor: Mondays 2:40 pm

Indoor: Thursdays 2:40 pm

Cardio: Tuesday 



Spellings: Spellings are set on a Friday for a test the following Friday.  Spellings follow a pattern from the Read Write Inc Spelling scheme.


Maths/English Homework: Every Friday and return date is the following Thursday. All homework will be set online via Google Classroom unless it is handwriting focused, which we will provide a hard copy of.
