Welcome to Clore Tikva School! We hope you enjoy taking a look around our website.
Welcome to
Clore Tikva School
A school of excellence inspired by inclusive Jewish values
At Clore Tikva, we are committed to ensuring all our children make the best possible progress. We track the achievement of every child on a regular basis and do all we can to make sure each child achieves their potential. We also have a duty to ensure that no group of children are disadvantaged due to their gender, ethnic origin or family income or background. Pupils are entitled to a broad and rich curriculum and we will provide opportunities for children to participate in life enhancing activities We aim to meet the needs of socially disadvantaged groups of pupils but recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged qualify for FSMs. We, therefore, reserve the right to allocate funding to support pupils who have been identified by the school as vulnerable or disadvantaged.
Children in all year groups learn in classes where the staff team includes a teacher and where possible a member of the support staff team. Children are familiar with working in groups of different sizes, at different times of the day, with different adults. Children of all abilities have the opportunity at different times of the day to work on a 1:1 basis or in a small group with an adult. We give children extra support when they need it.
The Pupil Premium funding has allowed us to continue and extend what we already do – to monitor children’s progress and to give additional support when required. Children are certainly not singled out or stigmatised for getting some extra attention and we would never label a child in front of other children for receiving free school meals.
This funding will focus on the provision and implementation of individual and small group support in reading, writing and maths and the extension of first hand experiences in order to support, enhance and develop learning across the curriculum.
Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.