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Clore Tikva School

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Following the National Curriculum, this term we are studying the topic of Invasion, with our focus being on the arrival of the Anglo Saxons and Vikings after the departure of the Romans, up to the Norman invasion.  We have had lots of investigation including a trip to Mountfitchet Castle, studying primary and secondary resources and learning different aspects of life in those times.  Our learning is cross curricular so our history, geography, English are all integrated within the topic.  Science always includes experiments and those of the digestive system in particular, our art has challenged the children to investigate colours and studying different artists.  In Maths the children have made some really impressive advancements in their progress. For RE we will be having visitors from different religions to talk to the children which allows them to ask questions that are puzzling and inquisitive. For our Design and Technology lessons we will be building up to the children making bread…to tempt the taste buds of the Vikings!


For Chanukah this year it is the duty of Year 3 to perform a play and we are looking forward to entertaining our audience – oh no we’re not! Oh yes we are!!!!
