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  • Reception 90.06%
  • Year 1 94.31%
  • Year 2 94.92%
  • Year 3 92.27%
  • Year 4 94.87%
  • Year 5 95.03%
  • Year 6 94.45%



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Curriculum Overview Autumn Term 2022


Jewish Studies Curriculum Overview Autumn Term 2022 


Whole school spirituality focus:

Pupils will experience and sustain ‘feelings of awe and wonder’ about the world around them. They will consider the connection between G-d, the world and events in our lives. They will explore this through learning in Jewish Studies, the Tishrei festivals as well as Chanukah in December. They will also be encouraged to express through prayer, writing and discussion both within and out of Jewish lessons their appreciation of events, people and feelings of awe as well as promoting questioning about life and what they may have experienced and/or seen.


Year Group



(Nursery and Reception)






The children will learn that Shabbat is a day of rest and that G-d spent 6 days making the world and rested on the seventh. They will become familiar with the objects found on the Shabbat table and learn the brachot (prayers) and Zmirot (songs) that we sing to celebrate Shabbat.

As well as this the children will learn about the festivals of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah and Chanukah.

Year 1




The children will learn that Shabbat comes once a week because G-d made the world in six days and rested on the seventh. They will understand that G-d made each day so that rest is wonderful. They will also learn that Shabbat ends with Havdalah and that each new week brings new beginnings.

As well as this they will learn about the festivals of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah and Chanukah

Year 2


Keeping Kosher


The children will know that Jewish people are only allowed to eat certain foods and that the permitted food is 'kosher'. They will understand that a Hechsher is a kosher food label and know what is meant by the term 'Parev'. The children will be able to identify kosher and non-Kosher foods and animals.

As well as this the children will learn about the festivals of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah and Chanukah.

Year 3


Life Cycle: Birth - Marriage


The children will know what is meant by a life cycle. They will understand that babies are blessed and named in a Brit Milah and a Brit Bat. They will learn what is meant by a Bar and Bat Mitzvah and know that a Jewish wedding ceremony takes place under a Chuppah and that the bride and groom sign a Ketubah.

As well as this the children will learn about the festivals of Rosh Hasahanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah and Chanukah.

Year 4


David and Goliath


The children will know that David was courageous and consider what drove him to kill Goliath. They will also learn that David was a shepherd who would write psalms. This will lead to the children becoming familiar with one of those psalms and write their own.

As well as this the children will learn about the festivals of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah and Chanukah.

Year 5


Jews in Greek Times


The children will learn that Israel was conquered many times. They will consider what it may have been like living as a Jew in Greece and understand the impact of the invasion of Alexander the Great in Israel. They will also learn how the Greek culture influenced Jews at the time and consider the importance of religious freedom. They will become familiar with who Aristotle was and learn about his reaction upon meeting a Jew.

                             As well as this they will be learning about the festivals of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah and Chanukah.

Year 6


Life Cycle: Conversion - Death


The children will understand why a person would want to become Jewish as well as the requirements needed to become a Jew. They will consider why we need to treat our elders with respect and why the Rabbis teach us to do so. They will also become familiar with the customs carried out when a Jew passes away.

As well as this they will be learning about the festivals of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah and Chanukah.

