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Clore Tikva School
A school of excellence inspired by inclusive Jewish values
Jewish Studies Curriculum Overview Summer Term 2023
Whole school spirituality focus:
The children will be encouraged to experience holiness in everyday life. They will do this through prayer and through mitzvot, considering the positive impact of their actions. They will also consider the impact of using our free will for the good as well as when we have made mistakes. They will consider the feelings of others and regulate their behavior accordingly. Using the Jigsaw program, they will explore ways in which they can become increasingly empathetic. They will take part in weekly Kabbalat Shabbat services and experience events associated with being in a Jewish school and a Jewish community, in turn showing respect and care towards items and events of religious importance. They will also through activities and learning feel a connection to Israel and its people.
Year Group | Topic |
EYFS (Nursery and Reception)
Israel and Mitzvot
Linking with the celebration of Yom Ha'atzmaut, the children will learn that Israel is far away that you need to travel there by plane. They will consider the types of things they would need to take if they were visiting Israel. They will know that Jerusalem is the capital city and become familiar with some of the famous sites and places such as the Kotel, the Dead Sea and Tel Aviv. The children will also learn about Mitzvot (good deeds), and how we must respect and help one another. The children will learn about the festival of Shavuot.
Year 1 |
The children will learn that it took G-d 6 days to create the world. They will also learn that Adam and Eve were created last and that G-d gave the world as a gift to mankind. They will consider what it may have been like to have been the first people in the world and what life could have been like for them. They will also understand that we celebrate Shabbat because it took G-d 6 days to create the world and on the 7th day He rested. They will also learn about the festival of Shavuot.
Year 2 |
Bible Heroes
The children will consider the qualities needed to be a hero and the types of heroes we have in our society and community. They will then focus on Miriam from Torah. They will learn about the qualities she had in her character that made her brave, what she did, and consider what we can learn from her actions. Using Miriam for inspiration, the children will create and compose a song of thanks to G-d, like she did after the Jewish people crossed the Red Sea. The children will also learn about the festival of Shavuot.
Year 3 |
G'millut Hasadim
The children will learn that Jews have a responsibility to care for others and the world around them and that we need to make our environment a better one for us all through our actions, deeds, attitudes and behaviour. They will consider the importance of giving Tzedakah, charity, and they will plan ways in which we can make a difference to our own school community. The children will also learn about the festival of Shavuot.
Year 4 |
Life in the Shtetl
The children will learn about where and when shtetls could be found in Europe. They will be able to describe conditions in a shtetl, what life would have been like living in one and the types of jobs people would have had. They will be able to recognise the features from a shtetl that are still relevant to our lives as Jews today. This topic will also encourage the children to look into the history of their own families and find out if their great, great, grandparents may have come from shtetls in Europe. They will also learn about the festival of Shavuot.
Year 5 |
The children will learn that all Jews are responsible for each other and that we are expected to act humbly as well as consider how we need to persevere when times are difficult. The children will also become familiar with the qualities one needs to be a good teacher.
The children will also learn about the festival of Shavuot. |
Year 6 |
The Jews of England and the East End
The children will learn that Jews have been in England since the Roman Empire and that there are records of Jews in England dating back to 1066. They will study a diary entry from Samuel Pepys in 1663 describing a visit to Bevis Marks Synagogue. The children will learn that Jews settled in the East End of London having migrated from the shtetls of Europe. They will also be familiar with other cities in England that Jews emigrated to and learn about the jobs Jews had. The children will also learn about the festival of Shavuot. |