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  • Reception 90.06%
  • Year 1 94.31%
  • Year 2 94.92%
  • Year 3 92.27%
  • Year 4 94.87%
  • Year 5 95.03%
  • Year 6 94.45%



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Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2023

Jewish Studies Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2023 


Whole school spirituality focus:

Pupils will develop their understanding of the connection between human beings. Through their experiences they will consider how all humans irrespective of faith or background work to make the world around them a safe, comfortable ad pleasant place. The children will be encouraged to express their spiritual insights that have led them to carry out their actions and to show evidence of empathy to others, control their own feelings, treat others how we wish to be treated, carry out Tzedakah (charity), consider their behaviour and demonstrate loving kindness. This will be explored through their Jewish learning as well as our PSHE curriculum and other events that take place in our school.


Year Group



(Nursery and Reception)




My Jewish Home


The children will become familiar with what a Mezuzah is and be able to identify Mezuzot around the school. They will learn that Jewish people have certain objects in their homes to help them celebrate festivals. They will also know what a siddur is used for and that Jewish prayers are written in Hebrew.

As well as this the children will be learning about festivals of Tu B’Shevat, Purim and Pesach..

Year 1


The Synagogue


The children will learn that synagogues have been around for a long time and are the places where Jewish people come together to pray. They will become familiar with the three names for a synagogue as well as being able to identify objects found in synagogues, such as siddurim (prayer books) as well as the Parochet, which is the curtain hanging from the Ark. They will also learn that a Rabbi is the person who leads the service in a synagogue and that religious ceremonies take place in there.

They will also learn about the festivals of Tu B'Shevat, Purim and Pesach..

Year 2




The children will learn that mitzvot fall into two groups and in total there are 613 mitzvot (commandments) in Judaism. They will learn about the mitzvah of honouring our parents, peace in the home and the importance of looking after the sick. They will consider why we need to perform 'Derech Eretz' (good behaviour), as well as the mitzvah of looking after animals.

The children will also learn about the festivals of Tu B'Shevat, Purim and Pesach.

Year 3




The children will become familiar with the story of Joseph. They will learn why jealousy is a bad thing and that Joseph was a calm person and how he never became bitter as a result of how his brothers treated him.  They will also consider the importance of forgiveness and how Joseph forgave his brothers when they were finally reunited.

The children will also learn about the festivals of Tu B'Shevat, Purim and Pesach.

Year 4




The children will learn that Jewish people have laws of kashrut and they will be able to identify where these rules can be found in the Torah. They will know why Jewish people do not mix meat and milk and be able to write a midrash interpreting this rule. They will also consider why Jewish people have rules about what can and cannot be eaten.

The children will learn about the festivals of Tu B'Shevat, Purim and Pesach.

Year 5


Israel 1860-1948


 The children will become familiar with Theodor Herzl and his role in the creation of the Jewish state. They will learn about the formation of kibbutzim and link it to the rise in anti-Semitism in 19th century Russia which caused mass migration. They will also learn about the JNF and the impact its work has made in Israel and the children will know what led to Israel was being formally made a Jewish state in 1948.

The children will also learn about the festivals of Tu B'Shevat, Purim and Pesach.

Year 6


Haggadah Project


The children will know that the Haggadah is a Jewish illustrated story and ritual book used during Pesach. They will use the illuminated Barcelona Haggadah of the 14th century as inspiration when designing and creating one of their own. They will write their own version of Ma Nishtanah, design a version of the 4 sons, know what is meant by Dayeinu and write their own version. They will also consider 'plagues' humanity has encountered both human and natural and the children will learn about the importance of freedom to all people of the world and consider what religious freedom means. 

They will also learn about the festivals of Tu B'Shevat, Purim and Pesach.
